NASA-Carbon Monitoring System (CMS): A Phase 3 CMS that disaggregates forest biomass estimates in response to stakeholder needs: Seeing the forest for the trees. (Dr. Silva is a Co-I). US$998,656.98. PI Dr. Andrew Hudak – US Forest Service – Rocky Mountain Research Station.

ESTCP: FuelsCraft: An innovative wildland fuel mapping tool for prescribed fire decision support on Department of Defense military installations. (Dr. Silva is a Co-I). $1.7M. PI- Dr. Susan Prichard - University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences.

USDA-NIFA: RapidFEM4D: A web-based mapping platform for rapidly assessing the impacts and near-term recovery of Hurricane Ian on forest ecosystems in Florida. ($300,000.00). PI Dr. Silva - Silvalab- University of Florida.

JFSP: EMS4D: multi-scale fuel mapping and decision support system for next generation of fire management. ($492,115). PI Dr. Silva - Silvalab- University of Florida.

UF/IFAS: Forest-Level Examination of Silviculture Effects on Ecosystem Services (ForESEES) through integration of Remote Sensing with Field Experiments. (Dr. Silva is a Co-I). $57,690. PI- Jason Vogel - University of Florida.

UF/IFAS: An integrated bioeconomic model for wildfire risk, surrounding forest management and tradeoffs of ecosystem services in the Deluca Preserve. (Dr. Silva is a Co-I). $78,247. PI- Andres Susaeta - University of Florida.

NSF - Resolving the multi-scale drivers of tree mortality from field and remote sensing data on co-located ForestGEO-NEON. (Dr. Silva is a Co-I). $1.0M. PI- Daniel J. Johnson - University of Florida.

USDA FS- Advanced Remote Sensing for Forest Restoration:Quantifying biodiversity, productivity, and resilience under a changing environment (Dr. Silva is a Co-I). $211k. PIs - Qinfeng Guo (SRS, EFETAC) and Jeff W. Atkins (SRS, Savannah River).

AMAZECO: Covering the Amazon with an Ecosystem Structure EBV product combining satellite and airborne LIDAR (Dr. Silva is a Co-I). €100k. PI Dr. Valbuena - Bangor University.

USDA FS - Tree crown mapping from point cloud data for 3D fuel characterization. $50k. PI Dr. Silva - University of Florida.

NASA- Above: Mapping boreal forest biomass density for the ABoVE domain circa 2020 with ICESat-2 (Dr. Silva was a postdoc fellow). PI- Dr. Laura Duncanson- University of Maryland, USA.

SERDP - Object-based aggregation of fuel structures, physics-based fire behavior and self organizing smoke plumes for improved fuel, fire, and smoke management on military lands. (Collaborator).US$ 2.4M – (Dr. Silva is a Co-I) - PI Dr. Andrew Hudak – US Forest Service – Rocky Mountain Research Station.

SERDP - 3D fuel characterization for evaluating physics-based fire behavior, fire effects, and smoke models on US Department of Defense military lands. (Dr. Silva is a Collaborator). US$ 2.6M. PI – Dr. Roger Ottmar - US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station

CNPq- Mapping fuel load and simulation of fire behavior and spread in the Cerrado biome using modeling and remote sensing technologies (Dr. Silva is a Co-I). US$ 45K. PI- Dr. Carine Klauberg - Federal University of Sao Joao Del-Rei, Brazil

NASA-CMS: Future Mission Fusion for High Biomass Forest Carbon Accounting (Dr. Silva was a postdoc fellow). PIs- Dr. Laura Duncanson- University of Maryland, USA and Lola E. Fatoyinbo Agueh - Biosciences Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20707, USA;